Saturday, March 26, 2011


Podcasting is a new form of technology available to all of us now.  You can subscribe/download just about anything imagineable  and use it on almost any device.  Classes can now create their own podcasts by creating their own broadcasts in which students can interview others and create their own questions for the interview and techniques that they want to use. They can also access other podcasts internationally and podcasts created just for kids.
Podcasting allows us to download and access topics that are of interest to us.  It is different from blogging in that it allows us to record/videotape interviews and other information instead of just letting us write down our opinions on different topics.
I do not own an iPod or MP3 player, but I frequently use my child's. I like the fact that I can monitor what he watches and listens to and that I can download movies and songs that are appropriate for him to listen to.  I would use them in my class to allow students to listed to text. This would definitely be an advantage for students who have reading problems or who have problems staying focused.
Advantages of using these applications are that you are allowed to think about your responses  before responding immediately  and people from different areas can colloborate on their responses.  Computer conferencing promotes learning amongst peers.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to post my reference.

    Jonassen,David,Howland,Jane,Marrar,Rose, and Crismond,David (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 219-39. New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Hall
