Saturday, February 26, 2011


Assessment activities are used to decipher how much students learn under certain time frames.  These assessment provide information to teachers as to whether their students are meeting state set, district and teacher set standards.  By using different types of assessment strategies, summaries and reflections, graphic organizers, and collaborative activities, teachers can keep track of specific data that can improve learner performance and proficiency.
E-portfolio's are digital portfolios assembled by individuals as a collection of evidence of works that they have created. They provide access to teachers and students to materials for use in planning and research.
Computer based tests are tests administered on a computer and the results are electronically recorded.  Their use can impact validity and reliability due to the consistency on which the same results are recorded and whether or not the answer is reliable.  The validity of such testing could be based upon common opinion.
Teachers ands students will always benefit from assessments due to the results showing areas in which improvement is needed.  The use of E-portfolio's will benefit both students and teachers by being able to access their own created accounts and the sharing to other information.  Computer based testing will also provide teachers and other access to shared data.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Copy rights

In order to respect and give validity/credit where it is due, it is necessary to follow copy right rules.  Would you like for someone to take credit for doing something that you have done?  This is why copy right laws and usage rules are important.  I feel that this is a subject to teach my students in the future.  I want them to treat others with honesty and respect.  By teaching them how to follow copy right laws they will be doing so.

Online safety is a persons abilility to protect their personal information from being given to others without their consent online.  It is different from cyberbullying due to cyberbullying being an action of a person online that is deliberately intended to threaten or embarass/humiliate anothe person online.  In order to protect ourselves online, it is wise not to put any personal information online that could identify our address or other personal information that might fall into the hands of predators.

This weeks activities were very informative.  As a parent and future teacher, I have learned of new ways to teach my students and children to be safe online.